onsdag den 25. april 2012

Auktionen er tilbage som I kender den! 

Ja, vi er måske ikke alt for tidligt ude med de ting der kan købes på auktionen - men her får I dem altså:

Mr. Andreas Lunn, will be auctioning his dessert-making skills. If your dinner party needs the final touch - this is where you wanna' spend your money. 

This hand made custom Afrovaganza-drum has been transported all the way from Ghana, and is here to serve your inner afrobeat. 

Make your own draught beer at home!

  These two lovely shrines will be sold separately. 

No Tyler this time around, but the wolf-costume on the right will be auctioned off. 

Once again, you get a chance to have a party at Kandaavej 15!

Would you like to buy this guy? Well, you can!

For one time and one time only, we offer these three Afrovaganza goodie bags. The contents are awesome, just sayin'!

These guys are awesome DJ's. You think your'e better? Well, you can buy the right two play three minutes of your favourite song - on the spot!

That's all folks! We cannot wait to see you, and hope you're looking forward as much as we are.

The Afrovaganza team. 

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